Option: The colonists were being taxed without having any representation in parliament.
The British taxes contributed to the colonist's disdain for British because they imposed by Acts which required them to pay taxes. To pay off the debt, after winning the French and Indian War, the British issued the Stamp Act in the colonies which provoked the settlers as they stated 'Taxation without representation'. It became a political slogan because colonists paid taxes to authority without having any say in that government's policies (British).
The Cultural Revolution, formally the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, was a sociopolitical movement in the People's Republic of China from 1966 until 1976.
Wong-Woo was eventually allowed to enter because the Secretary of Labor overruled the denial. This suggests that Wong-Woo had a valid application for coming to the U.S.
Among these fundamental natural rights, Locke said, are "life, liberty, and property." Locke believed that the most basic human law of nature is the preservation of mankind. To serve that purpose, he reasoned, individuals have both a right and a duty to preserve their own lives.