Answer: You picked the correct answer, "They all inherited their traits from a common ancestor."
Explanation: Well, one I had a test on this question too and I got it right. Second, if all species shown have something in common (structures) than they most likely got it from a common ancestor.
us humans need a balanced ecosystem because its what keeps us alive. when having a balanced ecosystem we have cleaned water, purified air, maintained soil, regulates our climate, recycles nutrients, and provides us with food.
Like all animals the noises they make are to warn off predators, and mating call. IDk
A preditor-prey system, the 2 species are related by; co-evolution(because preditors eat prey that is available and plentiful, for example a rodent species.
also, the population cycle because rodents live for a short period of time in the wild, but reproduce quickly. example; spring and summer seasons is when food is most plentiful for all species of wildlife,