A water molecule, because of its shape, is a polar molecule. That is, it has one side that is positively charged and one side that is negatively charged. The molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The bonds between the atoms are called covalent bonds, because the atoms share electrons.
I say false cause a hypothesis is a guess and not all the time it's dealing an experiment. If It is dealing with an experiment then true
The key evolutionary development of animals seen for the first time in sponges is that of Multicellularity. A Multicellular organism has a longer lifespan than an unicellular organism and since it has multiple cells, it can perform more functions. Sponges do not have distinct circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and excretory systems – instead the water flow system supports all these functions.
A great example is the peppered moths evolution. Since the Industrial Revolution the birch trees started to turn black from the soot. This casued all the white moths to be eaten from birds. The ones that were left to mate were black moths which favored the black gene. So overtime black moths became more common. They were naturaly selected based on color to survived and pass down their black colored genes.