If you find private time then you can do the stuff you need to do that you didn't get done. :)
A novel is a book bit it isn't paragraphs and lots of pictures
Nadine Gordimer meshes numerous cases of portending into "Quite a long time ago." The casing story presents the idea of dread. The possibility of the underground mining burrows that stone the storyteller's home—dull, imperceptible, and enigmatic—hint the ethnic turmoil that stones the social texture of the rural group in the sleep time story.
abba abba cde cde
On His Being Arrived to the Age of Twenty-three by John Milton is an Italian poem which expresses the author's perceived angst against time.
It's poetic theme is written after the rhythmic eight-line octave and the six-line sestet.
The octave consists of two short quatrain of rhymes 'abba abba' while the sestet, while is the point at which the tone and the rhyme of the author changes reflects the rhyme 'cde cde'.