A.) Alligators have round snouts, while crocodiles have pointed, V-shaped snouts.
The difference in crocodiles and alligators is in their snouts.
In secondary succession, the pioneer species are plants that are adapted to exploit disturbances rather than bare rock. They typically include plants such as grasses, birch trees, and fireweed. Organic matter from the pioneer species improves the soil so other trees and plants can move into the area.
The most abundant element in the atmosphere can also be is nitrogen since nitrogen gas accounts for about 78% of the atmospheric gases. Beans and whey protein are, of course, high in protein, and a fundamental component of proteins at the molecular level is a nitrogen-containing group called an amine group.
CHIMPANZEES. RECKONED to be the most-intelligent animals on the planet, chimps can manipulate the environment and their surroundings to help themselves and their community. They can work out how to use things as tools to get things done faster, and they have outsmarted people many a time.
As both fill with liquid they expand. They are also both rounded shapes