Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca was the first Spaniard to explore the interior of Texas
The role that tradition especially assigns to the Phoenicians as the merchants of the Levant was first developed on a considerable scale at the time of the Egyptian 18th dynasty. The position of Phoenicia, at a junction of both land and sea routes, under the protection of Egypt, favoured this development, and the discovery of the alphabet and its use and adaptation for commercial purposes assisted the rise of a mercantile society. A fresco in an Egyptian tomb of the 18th dynasty depicted seven Phoenician merchant ships that had just put in at an Egyptian port to sell their goods, including the distinctive Canaanite wine jars in which wine, a drink foreign to the Egyptians, was imported.<span>
Read more: Phoenicia, Phoenician Trade & Ships <span></span></span>
The ancient Sumerians believed that everything that happened to them - good and bad - was the result of a god's pleasure or displeasure. The daily life of every person was spent seeking ways to please and appease their many (many!) gods. The center of daily life was a very tall temple, the ziggurat.
The Alamo
The site known today as Alamo was the most successful mission among the first San Antonia missions. The Alamo became a large missionary complex, where Spanish Christians catechized the Indians and converted them to Christianity, often forcedly, but managed to do so with almost all the Indians in the region. Since the main objective of the missions was to convert to Christianity, this was the most successful.
In addition, this region has been promising to develop large-scale agriculture.