Page 97 Analyze poetic form. When studying vocal music, it is important to look at the text first. Composers often use the text
to determine the musical form of a piece and to make decisions about how to convey its meaning. The text for this music is in Latin, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church during Josquin's time. TEXT TRANSLATION Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum, virgo serena. Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with you, gentle Virgin. Ave cujus conceptio Solemni plena gaudio Caelestia, terrestria, Nova replet laetitia. Hail, whose conception, Full of solemn joy, Fills the heaven, the earth, With new rejoicing. Ave cujus nativitas Nostra fuit solemnitas, Ut lucifer lux oriens, Verum solem praeveniens. Hail, whose birth Was our festival, As our luminous rising light Coming before the true sun. Ave pia humilitas, Sine viro fecunditas, Cujus annuntiatio, Nostra fuit salvatio. Hail, pious humility, Fertility without a man, Whose annunciation Was our salvation. Ave vera virginitas, Immaculata castitas, Cujus purificatio Nostra fuit purgatio. Hail, true virginity, Unspotted chastity, Whose purification Was our cleansing. Ave praeclara omnibus Angelicis virtutibus, Cujus fuit assumptio Nostra glorificatio. Hail, famous with all Angelic virtues, Whose assumption was Our glorification. O Mater Dei, Memento mei. O Mother of God, Remember me. Amen. Amen. What Latin word appears most often as the first word of a line?