Whenever countries have different opportunity costs in production they can benefit from specialization and trade. Benefits of specialization include greater economic efficiency, consumer benefits, and opportunities for growth for competitive sectors.
An alliance is an agreement made by two or more parties to secure common goals and to defend the other party in case of war. They were formed to prevent war and to maintain a balance of power. But one event could lead up to a huge conflict.
The alliances are the main reason behind World War 1 because they turned what was meant to be a brief war between accuser and accused into a world war. How the alliances turned a brief war into a world war is a classic case of one thing led to another.
This is an international agreement, which extends the 1992 United Nations framework Convention on Climate change.
Coastal Plains.
Coastal Plain's life-giving soil is good for farming.
Peanuts, tobacco, and soybeans grow well there.