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Practicando la recreación, en forma escrita, de un diálogo escuchado.
Escuchar entrevista a Antonio Arbo (A La Gran 730 - Antonio Arbo 11 03 2020)
¿Existe algún vocablo que no me es familiar? ¿Qué debo hacer ante esto?
“Patógeno” es una palabra que no me es familiar.
Ante una situación como esta, es posible intentar descifrar el significado a partir del contexto en que se utiliza. En este caso, por ejemplo, claramente se refiere a un término médico relacionado con las enfermedades. Sin embargo, la mejor opción siempre será apelar a una enciclopedia para conocer el significado concreto y su escritura correcta.
The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.
Social network analysis is a technique that attempts to "find groups of individuals who cooperate, to find individuals who don't team up yet should, or to find specialists in particular subject areas."
Social network analysis (SNA) is the way toward exploring social structures using systems and chart hypothesis. It describes organized structures as far as nodes (singular on-screen characters, individuals, or things inside the system) and the ties, edges, or connections or collaborations that associate them.
Hope this helps at all! :D
meso-region (Noun) A administrative system that is equivalent to a prefecture or a department. It is used in Brazil as a third-level administration between state and micro-region. Editors Contribution (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:
Hello. You forgot to put the quote. The quote is:
"A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of."—Jane Austen
Answer and Explanation:
We cannot consider a good income as the only reason to be happy, since happiness is something you cannot buy and money is a finite thing, which promotes fleeting happiness. However, we cannot disagree that income is one of the factors that profoundly influence people's happiness, even without being the main factor. This is because we are happy when our needs are met, although a good income cannot meet our emotional needs, it is the only factor capable of meeting our physical and economic needs. Without a good income, we will experience difficulties and will not be happy, since love, affection and companionship cannot meet the needs of food, home and many others.