Answer: The industrial revolution fundamentally changed everyday life.
The industrial revolution has positive effects on society. It has made people's work much easier. People were much more productive thanks to the involvement of machines in production. The amount of food increased significantly and was more accessible. Also, thanks to steam engines, people traveled much faster and thus gained time.
The industrial revolution also had negative effects, especially when it came to workers. The workers had no rights; they worked twelve or even sixteen hours a day. There was no adequate protection at work, so injuries were frequent. Workers who suffered serious injuries and were unable to work would often be left to fend for themselves. Also, the early Industrial Revolution did not respect any environmental regulations in industrial plants. Environmental pollution was common.
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is the US government agency responsible for regulating medications.
petition the government.
The right to petition is a part of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America which prohibits the government to make any law against the right of the citizens to petition the government to revise the unpopular policies, programs or laws and redress grievances. It is a fundamental law which ensures civil liberties of individuals.
D. an external locus of control
In psychology, there are two distinct types of locus of control including the internal and the external locus of control.
External locus of control is described as a process through which an individual feels that his or her failures or successes occur as a consequence of some external factors or reasons which is beyond his or her control, for example, unfair teachers, circumstance, prejudiced, luck, injustice, bias, fate, etc.
An individual who is experiencing an external locus of control generally feels anxious as he or she believe of not having any control over his or her life.
In the question above, Helene's lack of perceptiveness best illustrates the dangers of an external locus of control.
example of the contact hypothesis
we know here that student find roommate and as they get to know each other
and they are able to overcome their initial prejudices
so this is an example of contact hypothesis , because
contact hypothesis is hold that contact between people of different groups tends to reduce
and whatever inter groups negative attitudes may be exist
there are greater the contact and the less the antipathy
so we can say here this is an example of the contact hypothesis