C. Only Odysseus would know the secret about the bed.
Odysseus, Penelope and the maid are the only ones who know that the bed cannot be moved because it is built with an olive tree trunk.
improved academic performance
an effective use of time
remembering information
better performance in extra-curricular activities
An old coin, winning lottery ticket, or an old dollar.
It seems that the objects setting is in a wallet because it has a receipt, George Washington's ugly green face(a dollar), and I believe the " lackluster billfold" the narrator speaks of is part of a wallet. The object saying it is worth so much money, but is stuffed into a wallet and forgotten about leads me to infer that it could be an old and rather valuable form of currency that blends in, making the person "truly forget about me". Another option is a lottery ticket, the winning one too if its worth so much money, and people often put them into wallets and such and forget about them. These things lead me to conclude that the object is either an old coin, winning lottery ticket, or an old dollar.
the commas at the end of the first two lines and the fourth line link closely related ideas by indicating a very brief pause.
The comma at the end of the line "We have come over a way that with tears has been watered," signals that the next line is connected to the same idea, although the words form an independent clause.
The semicolon at the end of the third line separates two distinct ideas—the harshness of the past journey and the travelers' arrival at their destination.
The question mark at the end of the line "Come to the place for which our fathers sighed" indicates a rhetorical question, which doesn’t need to be answered. In this case, the question is more of an acknowledgment of past struggles. The speakers have figuratively traveled a long distance to arrive where their forefathers longed to reach.
In my poem, I plan to use a variety of punctuation. I’ll place different punctuation marks in different places and see how they make me feel. The punctuation will help my readers interpret how the lines connect or contrast. Depending on how my ideas are fitting into the lines, I'd like to include some enjambment, which is no punctuation at the end of a line. I might follow that with a punctuation mark in the middle of the next line.
Can you include a picture/screenshot of the chart?