Answer: The problem with projective tests is that they lack validity and reliability, the two critical aspects of any psychological assessment. Reliability refers to how consistent the results of a given test are: a test that is reliable will yield the same results time and time again
The objects that produce large amplitude waves are Stars, Large machines, Rocks falling from the mountain, Earthquakes, Volcanoes
The objects producing small amplitude waves include ping-pong ball, Tuning fork, stones, Speakers, Spring
The wave's amplitude is characterised by the ultimate displacement of an object from its median position. Generally, wave with high energy (or the waves emanating from big bodies or high energy bodies) are high amplitude waves. Since the body has a high amount of energy, it produces a comparatively large amount of displacement of the particle. hence the high amplitude.
Similarly, small bodies or bodies with less energy produces a low amplitude wave. This also can be understood in terms of displacement of the particle from its mean position.
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In the merchant of Venice
The narrator, is the protagonist and she starts explaining that she is a teenager. She knows what the latest styles are, she reads the current editorials, she listens to the radio... She wants us to know that she is not a silly girl. In fact, she is a rational thinker. But in fact, when the boy takes her hand and invite her to the sakiting rink, she abandons all her rationality and she believes when he says that he will call her. When days pass by and he doesn't, she says " I'm not so really dumb".
All that, indicates the conflict: she is a sixteen year old, naive and soft in character behind that tough exterior.