False because many different species are going extinct within our lifetime
Plant life cycles are classified as ( annual, biennial, or perennial. )
Annuals complete their life cycle of germination from seed, growing, flowering, fruiting and dying within a single season of growth. Biennials require two seasons to complete their life cycle.
The North produced 17 times more cotton and woolen textiles than the South, 30 times more leather goods, 20 times more pig iron, and 32 times more firearms. The North produced 3,200 firearms to every 100 produced in the south
Prokaryotic cells reproduce by a process that is called binary fission.
The DNA in such cells is contained in a single circular chromosome called a plasmid within the cytoplasm. The reproductive process starts with the replication of the chromosome.
An undifferentiated cell is such as that in a blastocyte. They are multipotent and can differentiate into any type of cells. The cells of the mass begin to have their gene differentially expressed (due to differential silencing of particular genes) hence the cell become determined. They become well organized into tissue such as skin and other organs.