The correct answer to the following question will be "Semantic and Syntax error".
<u>Syntax error: </u>
Corresponds to such a mistake in a pattern sentence structure that is composed in either a specific language of that same coding. Because computer programs have to maintain strict syntax to execute appropriately, any elements of code that would not adhere to the programming or scripting language syntax can result inside a syntax error.
<u>Semantic error: </u>
That would be a logical error. This is because of erroneous logical statements. Write inaccurate logic or code of a program, which results incorrectly whenever the directives are implemented.
So, it's the right answer.
A shift Down,I guess......
option A
Option A.
With the use of Administrative simplification, we can transform all the paper work to electronic media such as electronic receipts or electronic mail. By shifting towards electronic means in Administrative simplification we are actually saving a lot of time by helping the human resource and from the laborious tasks of paper work and data management.
The management of electronic means is very easy and friendly, it is also a reason for implementing administration simplification as well.
Authorization specifies what a user can do, and access control enforces what a user can do.
Authorization is simply granting access to an authenticated user of an application. It specifies what a user can and/or cannot do. For example, for a user to access their banking details in an online banking service, they have to be authorized by first authenticating them to prove their identity. Another example is in an organizational system where some users (normally called admins) can access certain database info whereas some other users (normally called the regular users) cannot.
Access control is used to enforce the policies dictated by authorization. In other words, access control enforces the policy of what a user can and/or cannot do. Access control makes authorization possible. It is sometimes called privileges or permissions. For example, the <em>security tab </em>in the operating system of Windows, allow to set access privileges for certain files and/or folders. Another example is in an organizational system where some files on the organization's server are configured in such a way that access to it is restricted and dependent on some further authorization.
Double eleventh = 11.50;
David_Tennant = eleventh.intValue();
These two statements are correct. Method intValue() converts Integer to int which is is called unboxing. In this case intValue() method converting Integert part of eleventh variable then storing it in int variable David_Tennant. Output will be 11.