2. You learned a lot about Whitman and Dickinson’s writing styles during this unit. Although they both broke stylistic boundarie
s, their styles are different, and the effects of their stylistic choices differ, too. Using support from Whitman’s poems, explain the effect of his repetition and parallelism and of the way he varies line length. Using support from Dickinson’s poem, explain the effect of her capitalization and punctuation and of her use of slant rhyme.
<span>As stated before there are other elements of Romanticism, used by Whitman: the use of nature solitude, and darkness the most however he did sometimes use the aspect of art as a part of humanity and life. Art represents creation of man, nature is what man is trying to create, and so without one another they are all nothing. </span>
<span>Romanticism uses the imagination, emotion, and the individual over reason, science, and society; Romantics look to nature as a source for spiritual nourishment, and they believe that people are inherently good but corrupted by society. "This Is My Letter To The World" Emily Dickinson writing with general imagination and emotion typical of a Romantic writer "The simpleBews that Nature told," I think what she is saying is that her writings come from the spiritual inspiration of nature and that she doesn't want to be judged harshly for how she lived away from the world even though because the people of the world never did anything for her.</span>
Franz Kafka who wrote the book ‘The Metamorphosis’ tells the story about a boy name Gregor Samsa who one days completely transforms from a human being to a giant insect.
Before his transformation, his family used to treat him well and used to Care for him.
But as soon as they came to know about Gregor’s transformation, their feelings towards him changed.
They started treating him in a very cruel way, rather Gregor himself started hating his own self for what he has become.