Exploitation of labour is the act of using power to systematically extract more value from ... In other terms, this entails the worker being able to maintain living conditions sufficient to be able to continue work. ... The primary concept is that there is exploitation towards a factor of production, if it receives less than its marginal ...
The correct answer would be, is chosen by the party with the majority of members in the legislature.
Because Canada is a parliamentary democracy, the political leader is chosen by the party with the majority of members in the legislature.
Democracy is basically a system of government, where true elected representatives by the citizen of the country govern the systems. There are many types of democracy. Few are as below:
- Direct Democracy
- Parliamentary Democracy
- Presidential Democracy
- Authoritarian Democracy
- Social Democracy, etc
In a country of Parliamentary Democracy like Canada, the political leader is chosen by the party with the majority of members in the legislature. The leader is hence accountable in front of the parliament as well.
Learn more about Parliamentary Democracy at:
wagwan (Jamaican, MLE) Greeting equivalent to what's up or what's happening. Usage notes. It is used through out the Jamaican diaspora, including in hip-hop culture and by reggae music fans. The standard response is nagwan / nuttin nah gwaan (“ nothing is going on ”).
hope that helps
Communication skills are important for several reasons except d.) poor communication skills show that you are uneducated.
<h3>Why are communication skills important?</h3><h3 />
Communication skills are important for several reasons including that they help people to fully express themselves.
They also help your career advance when you display professional communication skills. Sadly, some people have poor communication skills and this is not because they are uneducated because even educated people can have poor communication skills.
Find out more on communication skills at
Many non-European regions were:
1.Not as developed as European regions
2.Had a weaker military
3.Had less technology
To summarize all of the answers, some non-European regions were not as developed, there military was weaker and the European regions had a lot of technology and a strong military