option A
The correct answer is option A
A population is under-represented when it is proportionally smaller in a sample than in its population.
For population representation of any community, if the sample size of the population of the community is not in accordance means not in the same ratio as it is actually present then that community is under-represented.
external <span>locus of control is the belief that our outcomes are outside of our control; internal locus of control is the belief that we control our own outcomes.
People that excel in external locus control will tend to be more spiritual are not suited in the decision-making process because they generally could accpet their 'fate'. Meanwhile, people that excel in internal locus control tend to be logical and ambitious with a strong drive to improve themselvess.</span>
Grand Canal was expanded and improved, overland trade routes, some of the greatest writers, porcelain, wood block printing, gunpowder, improved magnetic compass, and paper money are all advancements made during which dynasty.
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They made voting faster and reduced fraud.