When you enumerate you need to put comas between all the items except the ones which are connected by "and" : as A is not correct as it does not have comas, and B is incorrect as it has comas where "and" is.
now, in a way both C and D are correct, but C is the usual accepted version, and D is an example of "Oxford coma" (where the coma is optional, to remain on the safe side, choose C).
The map impact is that the frequent use of social media among teenagers and young adults has many less positive consequences. These include cyber bullying, negative self-image and body image, social media addiction, and less time spent doing healthy, real-world activities.Mar
It means something new or original, and can even be something unusual. Hope this helps
Answer and Explanation:
Character traits are characteristics of the personality of an individual that is maintained from childhood to adulthood, in most cases, or that can be developed throughout life, even in unconscious ways. This was explained by Freud, who believed that happy and even traumatic experiences that occurred in childhood could trigger traits in the individual that would be maintained until adulthood, even if the individual did not remember these experiences.
Examples of character traits are courage, patience, aggressiveness, honesty, among others.
Manias, preferences, personal tastes, ways of walking and speaking, being studious, among others, are not examples of character traits.
Only two of the four sentences contain a direct address. A direct address exists when someone addresses someone directly, meaning speaks to them by name. In (A), Walt is being addressed. In (C), Denise is being addressed. Direct addresses are always set off (separated from the other words) by commas. If the direct address is the first word in a sentence, it is followed by a comma. If the direct address is the last word in a sentence, it is immediately preceded by a comma. If the direct address appears elsewhere in the sentence, it is sandwiched between commas. For example, "I was wondering, David, if you'd mind helping at the event?" By the way, when a title or endearment functions in a sentence as a name, it is also considered a direct address: "If you don't let me go to the party, Mom, I'll never speak to you again." In your problem, (C) contains the direct address that is punctuated properly because Denise is followed by a comma.