The Catholic Church became very rich and powerful during the Middle Ages. People gave the church 1/10th of their earnings in tithes. ... Eventually, the church owned about one third of the land in Western Europe. Because the church was considered independent, they did not have to pay the king any tax for their land.
- tendency rates tripled , 1880-1890
- cotton was deflated , market was flooded
- whole time they planted they put the prices down
- Union blockaded the South so they couldn't get cotton
- England found a new place to get cotton for cheaper ( India ,Egypt and Brazil)
- the US had too much cotton it began to build up
hope it helps :)
It is controversial because the President can pardon anyone! Take Nixon and Goldwater for example. Nixon was convicted of spying on th opposite party. Nixon stepped down, but was still charged. When Goldwater became president, he pardoned Nixon of all of his charges which caused a huge uproar. That's fair, right?