Their system of mathematics.
The Maya discovered zero. Most of the world's civilizations had no concept of zero at the time of the Mayans. Without zero there would be: No algebra, no arithmetic, no decimal, no accounts, no physical quantity to measure, no boundary between negative and positive numbers, and no computers. The Mayan’s discovery of zero was one of the most significant steps to get to where we are today.
The counting system was so simple. The Mayans figured out a genius system of counting which only required three symbols, a dot, a line, and a shell. These three symbols could be used in various combinations to keep track of the calendar and do arithmetic. Even the most uneducated people could use it to do basic trade.
The major development that contributed to the legislation of the new deal in 1930's was as result GREAT DEPRESSION
The new deal between 1933 -1939 were series of measures put in place by president Roosevelt relating how to bring about relief and recovery of the American economy from the great depression that has bedeviled the country economy . The depression brought about job losses and even the stock market crashed during this period
Some of the programs that was initiated to bring back prosperity to Americans include the CCC (civil works administration), FSA (farm security administration), WPA(work progress administration), SSA(social security administration)and all other programs.
By attention you know I can do that and I can get put it in the back pocket lol you ain’t it ain’t working
Most colonists had faced difficult lives in Britain, Ireland, Scotland, or Germany. They came to the Americas to escape poverty, warfare, political turmoil, famine and disease. They believed colonial life offered new opportunities.
America was named America after Amerigo Vespucci. Vespucci was an early explorer, who lived around the same time as Christopher Columbus.