The answer is <u>"They will chose investments with less risk".</u>
Everything in life is about exchange offs. With low-risk investment decisions, you are probably not going to lose your main, yet you are additionally far-fetched to gain a high rate of return.
In the event that you are investing cash you won't have to use inside the following ten years you might need to consider something that offers the potential for a higher return, which may likewise involve going for additional risk.
The way toward building a portfolio implies you astutely select speculations with various levels of risk so they cooperate toward a shared objective.
- How to best segment the ready-made dinner market.
c. the trade balance and the exchange rate.
An Open Economy is an economy that allows the free inflow and outflow of goods, services, capital and people. The opposite of a closed economy.
What sets these two models apart is that in an open economy, both imports and exports are allowed, so that countries necessarily have to trade in more than one currency, so the exchange rate must be examined. In addition, business transactions are recorded in a balance of payments. So these are the two concepts that are not tried in a closed economy analysis, but are introduced in an open economy.
Income inequality ratio
The income inequality ratio is an incomplete picture because a single number cannot fully reflect the sources of the underlying differences in income.
Income inequality refers to the uneven distribution of income among the population of a particular place. It is the difference in the allocation of income in a particular country.
Income inequality occurs across different segments of the population such as gender(male and female), ethnic group, occupation, geographical location etc.
The Gini index is widely used to compare disparities in income.