There are several types of changes that could happen. If one of the
letters of DNA were to be changed to a differnt letter, this might
result in a differnt amino acid being put into the protein being
synthesized. Or, changing a single letter could tell the protein to
stop being made (a stop codon is formed) this would make a much smaller
version of the protein. If a letter is either inserted or deleted this
is called a "frame shift" mutation and this totally destroyes the
message. A sudden change in the sequence of DNA could also "silence"
the gene turning off transcription so that no mRNA would even be made.
Or, it could enhance transcription increasing the ammount of mRNA.
There are many many ways that a DNA mutation can affect mRNA, do you
need anything more specific?<span>Its
very simple,mRNA is kinda messenger which takes information from
genetic material(DNA) which will later get translated to functional
protein.The information in genetic material is in the shape of sequence
of nucleotides pairs.there are four kinda nucleotides
1.adenine,2.guanine3.cytosine4.thiamine.... nucleotides lare kinda codes
which get imprinted on mRNA , where thiamine is exception coz it get
transcribed to uracil.
,since mRNA does contain thiamine but it has a replacement known as
uracil.So its very simple if there will be any change in nucleotide the
information given to mRNA will also change .So u see sudden change in
nucleotides will mean that information send to mRNA will get
changed.other things getting affected would be protein.</span><span>.As mRNA will later translate this information to make proteins from amino acids</span>
<span> If one of the letters of DNA were to be changed to a different letter, this might result in a different amino acid being put into the protein being synthesized. Or, changing a single letter could tell the protein to stop being made a stop codon is formed</span>
In natural selection process of evolution, traits that are essential for an individual to be fit enough to survive under environmental stress become dominant.
Since the flowers are of blue or yellow color, it is essential for a bee to be able enough to perceive the blue and yellow color. Hence, the eyes of bee with time have evolved to perceive these two color so that they can pollinate flower.