Stamen is composed of anther and filament. The pistil is composed of stigma, style, and ovary. ... The key difference between stamen and pistil is that stamen is the male reproductive organ which produces pollens of angiosperms while pistil is the female reproductive organ which produces ovules of angiosperms.
I hop this helps!
The doctor has used INDUCTIVE REASONING. Inductive reasoning refers to a logical process in which multiple premises are combined to obtain a specific conclusion. The doctor used inductive reasoning to obtain the facts about the patient's symptoms.
The tiny structures inside of cells, such as Ribosomes or chloroplasts that have specialized roles are called organelles. These structures are found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells and are enclosed with a membrane. These tiny structures are not present in prokaryotes like in bacteria.
This is actually not a question. You are going to have to re-read it. If you are asking it as a question it will look like this: "When a rigid body rotates about a fixed axis, do all the points in the body have the same angular acceleration?"