c. Agent Lopez’s entire compensation must be recouped because Ralph disenrolled within 3 months of enrollment.
Health plans, such as Top Choice Medicare Advantage, provide a document listing all clauses relating to the plan, such as withdrawal deadlines, service agreements, reimbursement, among other things. In the case of Top Choice Medicare Advantage, there is a clause stating that the agent responsible for enrolling the client in the plan will have compensation restored if the client cancels the enrollment within 3 months. With this, we can conclude that, in relation to the case shown in the above question, Agent Lopez's full compensation must be recovered because Ralph annulled himself within the three month period.
Egenuity says B.) Voter Apathy. If no one votes then we lose democracy.
Emile Durkheim (1895-1964)
He developed a vigorous methodology by combing empirical research with social theory.
A policy in which all exit doors for a building stay unlocked during a fire is an example of fail open policy.
It is a system to remain opens all the exit door of a building. So that if any chance any accident occurs public can rush through it and save their life. It is called open policy and the word fail is attached with it to denote the occurrence of fire. If fire take place that is the failure of management part.
And to avoid major disaster to remain open the door is the strategy. That's why it is named as fail open policy. For e.g. if in any shopping mall fire set up it will take time to reach fire brigade there. Before that to save life fail open policy should be followed.
Anarchy is the condition of a society, entity, group of people, or a single person that rejects hierarchy. The term originally meant leaderlesness. It refers to the curtailment or abolition of traditional forms of government.
There are various pros as well as cons of anarchy
Pros:- 1. anarchy is the search for complete freedoms
2. in essence "power for the people"; "each man for himself
3. You are finally free from the shackles of authority.
4. You can do whatever you want.
5. You are equal to everyone else, all social hierarchy has been abolished ( anarchy is the absence of authority).
6. The country wouldn't be split between all of these ridiculous political groups.
7. No taxes to be paid.
Cons:- 1. There might be some disorder when it first starts, but it's the same when a beast is finally released from their cage, they burst out and enjoy freedom, before getting on with their lives.
2. no government services.
3. There would be no punishment for crimes.
4. Life would turn into survival of the fittest.