A: Frozen taiga
Russia is the largest country in the world, and its land has several different characteristics. One of them though dominates by far, and that is the taiga, which is occupying more area than all of the other biomes in the country combined.
The taiga is stretching across all of the country from west to east, while the rest of the biomes are north and south of it. The land is covered with dense coniferous forests, representing the largest continuous forest in the whole world.
The taiga is not the most pleasant place for living though. The majority of the year is winter, and the temperatures are extremely cold, and in some parts of it they are as low as in Antarctica. There is lot of snowfall, usually several meters deep. The short summers are mild and very humid. Everything defrosts so big portion of the taiga is becoming marshy.
The foremost British interest in Egypt was always because of its strategic position. However profitable contracts and business was in the country, it was the fact that Egypt lay between Britain and India that made it so vitally important for the British.
Hope it helps
Answer: Mining is an activity which the earth is dig to obtain minerals and oil reservoirs.
The two environmental consequences that are responsible for filling the valleys are soil erosion and downstream mining causing the contamination of the neighboring water source. Soil erosion is resultant of the mining activity causing the trees to be uprooting from their site and making soil prone to the affect of physical factors like wind and water.
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After studying the maps that you posted with the question, the map that shows both the dominate air pressure over India can be found easily. So the air pressure system that forms in the summer and the direction of the surface winds around the air pressure system can be found in map number 1.