Ordinance Is a law or decree by a municipality. Meanwhile precedent a court decision that is considered as authority for deciding subsequent cases involving identical or similar fact, or similar legal issues.
Are there options? Infrastructure would be a great fit considering the fact that it sits on the jurisdiction of both governments.
I believe the answer you’re looking for is D. To narrow issues for trials
Federal law takes care of several laws that deal with appropriate usage of legal considerations and bindings that affect daily agreements and contractual relationships among common people. UCC is a financing statement that affects the collaterals of different types and the parties involved in this lien statement.
"knowledge is power". To understand this, we must define civics first.
Civics is the study of the rights and duties of citizenship. "Knowledge is power". This statement implies that he who holds knowledge is more powerful. A literate person has more influence over ordinary people than an illiterate person. We live in an age where learning how to read and write are essential, should we neglect to learn, the road ahead will instantly become 10 times more difficult than it ordinarily would be.