By using racial words and accusing him of sexual abuse.
Because the rise of merchants weakened the power of monarchs making the peasants leave their manors for towns where they could find work. Also, agriculture stopped being profitable bec merchants imported food so there was no more need for agriculture
Kryzys przysięgowy[edytuj]
Kryzys przysięgowy – kryzys związany z odmową złożenia przysięgi na wierność Królestwu Polskiemu i dotrzymanie braterstwa broni wojskom Niemiec i Austro-Węgier do końca wojny przez żołnierzy Legionów Polskich (głównie I i III Brygady) 9 i 11 lipca 1917.
After World war II, the men who came back from the war found most of the jobs in the service industry being taken by women. Most were in clerical and service jobs, while a smaller percentage worked as nurses or teachers.
Question: In the 1950s and 1960s, many women were attracted by new jobs in the developing:
Answer: service industry