He was engaged in a lot of trading.
Laissez-Faire economics is when the government doesn't get involved in the economic affairs of a nation.
If I understand the question right, it would be showing bias in favor of the military, because of his location and the fact that he's talking about being supportive about the military.
President Richard Nixon was the 37th U.S. President.
Richard Milhous Nixon was the President of the United States. He served from year 1969 to year 1974. The Congress started an impeachment motion against him on record of violation of his powers and comtempting the Congress.
But the white males of the United States were in favor of Nixon. They protest against the impeachment of Nixon. Nixon was focused on the detente with both the countries of China and Soviet Russia. He also signed the Treaty of Anti-ballistic missile.
Economic problems and crisis led to rise of nationalism, especially among those countries that were not satisficed with the decision of Versailles Peace Conference.
They blamed governments for the unsuccessful economical policy and stressed out that only strong national policy can only bring welfare. That is how fascism started rising promising welfare and better life.
Fascism started rising first in Italy, but later spread across Europe. Its peak was reached in Germany in a form of Nazism.
This totalitarian regimes led to Europe to the biggest war the world has ever seen and devastation of Biblical proportion.