However the Declaration of Independence established nothing regarding slaves or women. That would happen much later
When Jefferson wrote “all men are created equal” in the preamble to the Declaration, he was not talking about individual equality. What he really meant was that the American colonists, as a people, had the same rights of self-government as other peoples, and hence could declare independence, create new governments and assume their “separate and equal station” among other nations.
Women-The Declaration emphasized the need to extend voting rights to women and also covered their property rights, protection in marriage and divorce, and the broadening of employment and educational opportunities
Slavery- He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.
Answer:What are the Important Characteristics of Communism
Abolition of Private Property.
Collective Ownership of Means of Production.
Central Planning.
Elimination of Unfair Gaps in Incomes.
Provision of Necessaries of Life.
d. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Greek mythology.
The Kushan Empire was a syncretic empire formed in the early first century. According to my research on the Kushan pendants, I can say that based on the information provided within the question it reflects the influence of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Greek mythology. This was determined by various depictions of tablets and artifacts recovered from that era.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
b.placed heavy restriction on the local population; direct control such as in southern Rhodesia
c. allowed the local population to participate in government; indirect control such as Kenya and Uganda,
d.gave the local population no rights; direct control ; such as in South Africa
e.did not give the local population any position in government; direct control
f.forced th elocal population to adopt new european cultures; direct control
a.offered some rights to the local population;indirect rule
The Americans simply wanted the land for themselves, they pushed the natives further out towards California, used them as slaves before Africans. Give me a time frame so I can answer the problem better