To simplify paragraphs you can:
-reword phrases or pieces of a sentence that seem to be too wordy
-write it in your own words
-shorten your sentences
-remove words that make the phrases more confusing, or that seem unlikely to be useful
-use keywords that can bring your point across with just a few sentences
-avoid repeating yourself
-reread to see if the paragraph makes sense, and if not, replace the words or remove them altogether
-keep things short
A It emphasizes that the German government's propaganda campaign was forceful.
The correct answer is the first one
we enjoyed a Christmas together at home
Reagan finds it difficult to focus during class
they all have to do with absolute phrases, like within, over, under, in, on, etc.
Your instrument, outside of music, is your own voice. If you love yourself and tell the world (using your 'instrument'), then you can feel fulfilled. This advice is good for anyone who feels like they aren't heard or seen, they can use their voice to speak up and create change for themselves and others.