What if you saw the text "Last Flight of the Honeybee? A bee-less world wouldn't just mean the end of honey - Einstein said that
if the honeybee became extinct, then so would mankind." Based on the title, what type of text structure would the article be and why? Predict what the article might say.
Text structures as the name implies refers to the architecture of a body of a text. There are text structures where the main idea comes before the details.
Others present the cause of an event followed by the effects of the cause. Another typical structure is where the cause follows the effect. The variations go on and on.
As far as the title is concerned, the text structure is most likely to be a Problem/Solutions Structure.
From the topic, it is clear that a Beeless world is a problematic situation.
The article is likely to expatiate on how Bees support the world and what would happen if they became extinct.
It would then proceed to make a recommendation on how to prevent that.
Answer: The theme of “Taking the Plunge” is to accomplish any challenge you have to overcome your fears on your own. The story tells us that no matter how impossible we think one things is, there is always a way to do it as long as we stay positive and confident. The main character had a problem with her body but that did not stop her from achieving amazing feats that one would think is impossible for her state.