when you buy stocks its called an investment. so a company will buy stocks or pay a stockholder (samething just different wording). if you or i pay a stickholder its also an invesetment. it can go really good and make people millionaires or it can go bad like the great depression.
so yes its true.
p.s check out walk'in on wallstreet.
it explains it really well.
Sharecropping is a system of tenancy agriculture . In it a landowner gives a portion of his land to a labour for the purpose of raising crop . In return , he gets a share of crop raised by him for free.
After the civil war , former slaves were in search of jobs . Due to depression and absence of credit system ,they went into this deal of sharecropping with whites . They also borrowed heavily for getting seeds and fertilizer. Landlords charged high interest rate for that which led them to debt-trap. Landowner also put condition like selling the yield on their condition at pre-specified cheap price.
A business plan would help small business owners to know how to operate the business, achieve goals and what activities need to be conducted in case they missed anything out. It helps a business to plan out and conduct business operations.
<span>GDP = C + I + G + NX = $5.5 trillion + $1 trillion + $1.5 trillion + $.75 trillion - $1.25 trillion = $7.5 trillion
Business is hard T^T</span>
they provide convenient receipts for purchases
Checks payment is a form of paying bills. They were created to allow people to make payments without carrying large amounts of cash hence convenient for purchases.They are also are safer than other forms of payment as they are traceable; when a transaction occurs and payment is made by checks, banks usually make copies of each check and the owner remains with an underlying copy from the check book.