Biodiversity is the variation of plants and animal on earth. Biodiversity involves all creatures in the ecosystem. it consist both terrestrial and aquatic creatures. The richness in variability of life contribute immensely to the ecosystem because each life plays a major and vital role to the ecosystem.
Increased population will invariably affects the biodiversity of a region because more food and other raw material will be source thereby altering the well being of other species in the ecosystem that depend on the raw material.
Example the population explosion of human has bring about increase in fuel consumption. This will cause more involvement of expertise to drill the crude oil to meet the population demand. Through active crude exploration more life in the marine are affected causing unbalance in biodiversity. That is the biodiversity of aquatic life will be reduced when more crude oil find it way to the sea.
Most of the species near to extinction and vulnerable are those which are kept in bio hotspots, these hotspots er conservation areas and hence limited in numbers.
These hotspots check the population of the species from being jeopardized in the future. These tend t provide a reserve or facility to keep endemic species in natural surroundings in a protective environment under the scanner of rangers and wildlife protectionists.
Forests are themselves a type of reserve a protected area that helps the growth and development of these species on land and water and also check there reproductive capacity
Maintenance of these hotspots is a must for a nation to preserve its wild heritage and keep balance with the biodiversity of the region.