9) The correct answer is: "a). education". Confucianism considered the activities of human life, including relationships to being sacred. The valued the development of human beings. Therefore, he promoted education in order to achieve this purpose.
10) The correct answer is "d). Military strength was the only real power at the time". The Ashikaga Dynasty was a period in which various rural governments fought each other in order to secure the shogunal throne.
11) The correct answer is "b). geographic proximity". Vietnam was subject to strong Chinese influence that even included the dominance of its territories. Throughout time Vietnam was politically and economically influenced by China.
12) The correct answer is "d). waterways". The Srivijaya Empire was an was a maritime commercial kingdom which originated in what is now Indonesia. During its expansion, it gained control of the straight of Malacca, which gave the empire vast control over sea trade in the region.
To persuade readers about the unjust treatment of the African Americans.
"What to the Slaves is the Fourth of July?" is a speech given by Frederick Douglass on the occasion of July 5th, 1852 in Rochester, New York. In it, he emphasized on the American independence celebration which grips the whole nation but the African American community (slaves) did not actually have a cause for celebration. They are still chained and bounded to their initial status and have not experienced any form of freedom.
Douglass was also a former slave but earned his freedom and got an education, later becoming an abolitionist and worked for the freedom of his people. He delivered this speech during the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society's meeting. In it, he called upon the injustice that the slaves are facing, while the nation is celebrating "its" freedom. Though the label "nation" includes each and everyone living in the country, and that that freedom is for all, the slaves are still bounded to their position and no one seems to care. His anti-slavery speech became one of the most important works for the abolitionist, including his autobiography. To him, it is ironic that America is celebrating her independence from being under the colonialist rule of Britain, a form of slavery but at the same time, still kept slaves themselves. The slavery system that was still prevalent and in practice even after the independence was what made him question the American people. The one reason/ purpose he most likely wrote this speech was to persuade the readers (audience) about the unjust treatment of the African Americans.
He is chief executive officer of AMR which became until it merged with with US Airways and became American Airlines. He became chairman of it.
Ulysses S Grant played a significant part in guiding the Union army during the Civil War.
Military career of Grant started when he became a colonel of the 21st Illinois Volunteers at the start of the Civil War in April 1861. President Abraham Lincoln later made him a brigadier-general. His first great accomplishment came when his troops caught hold of Fort Donelson in Tennessee in February 1862. he established a reputation as a courageous leader when his forces seized a Confederate foothold, Vicksburg, Mississippi. later he was appointed as lieutenant-general and commanded all U.S. armies. His two most famous battles were the Battle of Chattanooga and the Battle of Shiloh.