D. the objective is to validate relationships and test hypotheses
In order to test hypothesis, a branch of statistics called "inferential statistics" is needed, and statistics, as it is well known, is a branch of mathematics (of applied mathematics).
Therefore, if you want to test an hypothesis and validate a relationship, you need to run a statistical study, and that study has to be fed with quantitative data.
The answer is: B) Buying securities (Bonds)
Money supply refers to the amount of money that circulated in the country. When government buy securities from the private sector, the money would be exchanged from the government's purse to the private sector's. If this occurs, the amount of money that circulated would be increased.
Job analysis
Many organizations carry out what is called job analysis. It entails spelling out the job functions, skills, experience and knowledge required to perform the job. It is important to analyze the skills required to perform a job because such would afford an organization to have directions in terms of matching skills with work.
Also, organizations analyze jobs to confirm that it is line with the company's current goals and objectives instead of a job that does not go in line with a company's current structure.
Joel is behaving in a totally unprofessional & unethical manner
As assistant controller, Joel Kimmel's job specification & responsibility includes financial statement preparation & combination, putting of internal controls in place, detailed analysis & reporting of cost variance, acts as the go-between with external auditors amongst other such responsibilities.
As such, when Joel discovered the cost discrepancy during the reconciliation, it was actually his responsibility to call the bank's attention to the variance. This is something that clearly falls under his job specification & can be considered as neglect of duty. Joel's decision defeats the very purpose of bank reconciliation, which is to correct any such discrepancy & to the ensure the rectification of transactions. Most importantly, the decision Joel plans to take is very unethical & is against standard accounting practices
We can therefore, say that Joel's decision is thoroughly unethical & unprofessional