This type of advertising is called Testimonial and it's using the technique known as Celebrity Endorsement. In testimonial advertising the message is saying "this person says this product/politician is good", and the celebrity endorsement refers to the link between the product and the famous person. This technique is mainly used in sports, when famous athletes only wear one type of brand, they are telling you "this product is good because this famous person always uses it".
Taxation Structure Peasants and nobles alike were required to pay one-tenth of their income or produce to the church (the tithe). Although exempted from the taille, the church was required to pay the crown a tax called the “free gift,” which it collected from its office holders at roughly 1/20 the price of the office.
I believe it is B if im wrong forgive me.
Answer: The World War 1 experience impacted hugely on U.S. culture, domestic politics and society. The war also resulted in an increased demand for weapons abroad. This led to increased profits and heightened productivity in the American steel industry. World War 1 ushered in an era of using chemical weapons.
An archaeologist was able to determine the sites by the bricks similar but was old found in the area where they lay railroads.
- While railroads were constructed in Pakistan the engineers were searching for ballast which is used for railroad construction to drain water from the railways.
- Archaeologists later discovered the settlements along the Indus river, thousands of clay pellets with writings older than Sumerian, combs, pottery, seals, urban, plans with grid pattern during the excavation process.
- Both Harappa and Mohenjo Daro is a part of Indus Valley Civilization. The period of the excavated materials and artifacts is determined by the process name called Radio-Carbon Dating in which the age of the carbon can be accessed.