The story revolves around the narrator who is the main character. By the way he speak (through the dialogue), it may be concluded that he is likely poor, uneducated, and does not want to get involved in any trouble. The other character asked the narrator to pair up with him in robbing some white folks. He convinced the narrator by using against him his physical state of being hungry. At the end the other character got everything and the narrator was left with nothing and even got hungrier. He asked the question of "What is with white folks, and why reckon them?" to his readers.
Soon is the adverb, leave is a verb. So in "I leave soon" the adverb soon is modifying the verb leave.
It explores nature and captures the essence of a moment.
Literal means the literal meaning of the work. Deeper meaning means the thourough true reason and meaning that the author is trying to convey. You have to fully understand it, connect, and figure out the deep meaning.