So unlimited a power can belong only to God matches with Some things are beyond the control of people and governments
I call not upon a few, but upon all. matches with All people need to do their part.
Show your faith by your works matches with Back your words with actions
Be too tough rather than not tough enough matches with better have too much force than too little
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem to lightly matches with What can be gotten easily is not always greatly appreciated
Let them call me rebel and welcome: I feel no concern from it. matches with One should proudly stand up for one's beliefs
Yes the square root of 24 should be 6
When we won the state championship, the team captain jumped for joy and the fans cheered
It would be past tense because when you say something occurred you are saying that it has already happened
1)the feuding families
2) juliets parents
1)you could say that the families longstanding feud was the reason the lovers couldnt be together in the first place and acted as a catalyst to all the disastrous events that followed. If the families had put their feud aside the couple could have married and so the whole thing of juliet faking her death and then romeo killing himself blah blah wouldnt have happened.
2) both juliets parents were incredibly overbearing and her dad was pushing her to marry paris so naturally she couldn't tell him about her wanting to marry romeo. but juliets mother was always distant from her daughter and so if their relationship wasn't as strained perhaps juliet could have discussed her desire to marry romeo with her mother and the families could have possible come to some agreement to allow the lovers to be together and so they wouldnt have died trying to elope