Halite, Calcite,Graniteigneous rock,Basaltigneous rock,Metamorphic,Gabbroigneous,Igneous rock,Metamorphic rocks,Sedementary rock,Obsidian, && last but not least is the Rhyoliteigneous.
Russia, Canada, U.S.A, China, Brazil and Australia.
A lot of it is media bias. You won't hear this in school but Global Warming is a true but simple concept. Most of the arguments are between jobs that non-renewable energy gives us, and planet saving renewable energy.
As a peninsula, the people of Greece took advantage of living by the sea. The mountains in Greece did not have fertile soil good for growing crops, like in Mesopotamia, but the mild climate allowed for some farming. The Greeks, like many other ancient civilizations, felt deeply connected to the land they lived on.
I hope that helps you. :)