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The delimiter use is "::".
The Java inbuilt String.split( ) function is use to split a String into an array of String.
The split( ) takes delimiter as arguments/parameter which determines at which point the string is to be broken down into different part/token.
From the above code snippet;
Each line in the file a.txt that is not null is splitted using the statement below:
String[ ] v = line.split("::");
The line is splitted using "::" as delimiter and the resulting array is then assigned to the variable 'v'.
For instance, a line in the file could take the form:
When it is splitted,
String lname = John;
because lname make reference to index 0 of the array.
String fname = Smith;
because fname make reference to index 1 of the array.
String dept = Music;
and dept make reference to index 2 of the array.
I’m 98% sure that it is B because customer service would be provided to people who buy from the company and need help