This line is written in iambic pentameter. Each foot is an unstressed and stressed syllable together. [how DO] [i LOVE] [thee LET] [me COUNT] [the WAYS]. There are five feet. Because of the unstressed-stressed pattern each foot is considered an iamb. Since there are 5 feet or iambs per line, it is a pentameter. Pent is a root word meaning 5.
It Cause by them moving, so they will weather away, but the acid rain can leak into the rock, slowly breaking down the atoms, causing the chemically weather faster, also rain and regular water can wash away some covering sediment.
It looks as though this essay should be an argumentative/persuasive essay. As such, there are two main ways to construct this. Knowing you should refute two points from the article, you could do this by either mentioning the opposing viewpoints first then your refutes (known as the block method), or you could do this point by point by stating an opposing viewpoint, then refuting it in the same paragraph (known as the point-by-point method). That said, here are two sample outlines assuming you mention two points:
OUTLINE 1 (Block Method)
Body Paragraph 1
-opposing viewpoint 1
-opposing viewpoint 2
Body Paragraph 2
-your refute of opposing viewpoint 1
-your refute of opposing viewpoint 2
OUTLINE 2 (Point-by-Point)
Body Paragraph 1
-opposing viewpoint 1
-your refute of opposing viewpoint 1
Body Paragraph 2
-opposing viewpoint 2
-your refute of opposing viewpoint 2
C. I took this in English last year