Potential energy because when your body breaks down the molecules the energy is released that it can use to do work, like walk or think.
Using the thick blood film to detect malaria enables observation od parasite morphology and it is used to quantify and identify parasites to the species level. For that kind of detection a high-power microscope (400 times to 1,000 times magnification) is required. The microscopist can look for parasites in a relatively large volume of blood, thus increasing the sensitivity of the test.
The white matter fibers are the main component of the brain. Three different types of white matter fiber are :
Commissural fibers:
This fiber is important for the connection of the corresponding left hemisphere and right hemisphere of the brain.
Projection fibers:
These fibers helps in the connection of the brain stem and the spinal cord with the cerebral cortex.
Association fibers:
These fibers are associated with the connection of the brain regions within the same hemisphere of the brain.
I think that the answer is C.