Snowball is like Trotsky in the way in which he plans behind the scenes, plotting, any way to attempt to overthrow Stalin.
Snowball is making plans behind the scene to overthrow Napoleon.
long ago in faraway place there was a land filled with wonder. In this fantastic place there was a little girl and who was very special.....................
amongst all the villagers who wielded powers of wind and fire, Alexandria possessed the gift of ice and water. Such a rare gift to be had, it was quite unusual for such a power to be had in a realm that was forged from stone and Earth. The villagers tried to hide Alexandria's powers from the Elders, a group of powerful leaders that visited all realms every decade to find gifted children and use them for their army.
Dear (friends name),
(F/N), You wouldn’t believe it! Yesterday night, I watched a movie called A Silent Voice which is a anime movie. I remember once that you mentioned it and I said I’d get back to you on my review of it. I actually really loved it. It was so sad and I can’t believe Shoya bullied Shouko just because of her hearing aids. When shoya mom came to apologize to Shouko, I didn’t think much of it until she came back and her ear was bleeding. The whole movie was beautifully written but depressing at the same time. I don’t think I can think of fireworks the same way now’s a great scene, don’t get me wrong. However the scene was dark and I didn’t want either of them to die. I really love this movie now so thanks again for recommending it to me. Also on a side note, we should visit soon! It’s been too long since we last saw each other. I got a new movie to watched called (insert favorite movie)! I think you’ll like it!!
Sincerely: (Y/N)! You’re best bro!!
It is safe to surmise that ghosts are a symbol of uncertainty.
Half-life, in radioactivity, the interval of time required for one-half of the atomic nuclei of a radioactive sample to decay (change spontaneously into other nuclear species by emitting particles and energy), or, equivalently, the time interval required for the number of disintegrations per second of a radioactive ...