1) Physical Health is the well being of you body.
Getting sleep
Eating healthy
Getting so fresh air
2) Mental Health is the well being of your mind set.
Listen to calming music
Ask questions if you need help
Do things that wont make you stressed
3) Social health is the well being on how you interact with other around you.
Spending time with people you care about, or know
Talk to someone about a certain type of situation
Social Media can be a big part in your social health
Learn how to be kind to people, when your talking to them
5) Go to the therapist they could help with your physical, mental, or social health. Family and people that you know is part of your support system.
The sttaement, "HIPAA regulations limit the use of pre-existing condition exclusions and guarantee that certain individuals can buy healthcare insurance after leaving or losing a job" is True
The abbreviation of HIPAA is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 which aims at providing health insurance protection to employees and their families when they lose their jobs or due to changes happened because of some unforeseen circumstances.
The HIPAA has an institution which gives assurance for data privacy and medical records information at a safe place. The HIPPA will emphasis on three types of safeguard of information they are first one administrative, the second one is physical and the third one is technical
Hello! You can increase your awareness of hereditary diseases by educating yourself on different diseases. It never hurts to search the internet for credible sources about these kinds of diseases, the symptoms of them, and how they are treated. Knowing about them can help you understand why others get those diseases and how they continue to live happy, productive, normal lives.