Provide retrospective but not predictive explanations of development.
There are some critiques to the Evolutionary Theories, among them: Biological Deterministic way of seeing the Hominideos and in many ways reductionist, to make it complex things simpler.
Analyzing the options then:
Provide retrospective but not predictive explanations of development.
These theories were not able to fulfill a model of predicting the future, leaving it blank for speculations. Also, it does not provide a cohesive and coherent basis model to predict the Post Homo Sapiens' future.
Despite those and other criticisms, this hasn't been enough to discard the Evolutionary Theories. On the other hand, the criticisms should be open for the sake of science.
See explanation below.
Creativity plays an important role in children development, through playing in creative ways, children grow socially, emotionally and cognitively.
3 year-old children are in the <u>preoperational stag</u>e according to Piaget's theory, during this stage, children have <u>strong imaginatio</u>n and intuition so parents can use that imagination to encourage creativity.
When Lyndsey showed her drawing to her mother, the mother said what it looked like to her (like daddy).
If she wanted to encourage her daughter's creativity, she could have made questions that had to do with Lyndsey's imagination, for example:
- Tell me about your picture,
- What did you draw?
- What were you thinking while drawing?
- What's the story of your drawing?
Your answer is D :
Millions of years ago, the area pictured was the site of a mountain range and today, it is seen that only a few plateaus remain. This scenario proves that nothing is permanent in this world not even the nature because the natural resources such as plateaus are subject to change due to the changing weather and climate of the earth. These two factors caused occurrences such rain, floods, typhoons to deform and even destroy and natural resources. Some other resources are completely washed out while others transform into a different kindo of a resource since the earth moves, the plates deep down also moves resulting to unpredictable changes in the surface of the earth.
the answer is AExplanation: