Apart from severe economic troubles generated by ther articles of confederation, one of the troubling events was Shay's rebellion which occured in 1787, casued by high taxes in Massachusetts. The local rebellion lead by Daneil Shay used violence to close several local courts as well as challenge the supreme court of Massachusetts to prevent foreclosure and debt processing. The rebellion was eventuallt halted and stopped by the militia and thus showed the failings of the articles of confederation. This even showed that a strong federal government was necessarily to prevent and contain such events as Shay's rebellion. This was one of the principle reasons the Articles of Confederation was rewritten into the Consitution of the United States.
His amygdala is fully developed and his prefrontal cortex is underdeveloped.
Let's break both structures down:
- Amygdala: the nuclei in charge of emotion regulation. It controls reactions of <em>satisfaction</em> and<em> fear </em>as well.
- Prefrontal cortex: it is the structure in charge of the executive functions, such as <em>planning, organizing, decision making, problem solving</em>, etc. It regulates an individual's social control as well as motivation. It is one of the structures which takes longer to develop.
We can see Michael's amygdala is fully developed since he displays a lot of emotions, mostly anger. Since he is only 2 years old, it can be deduced that his prefrontal cortex is not yet fully developed since he doesn't have much self-control and problem solving, amongst others.
Flamingos are native to tropical Africa, but can migrate to several regions that have salt seaweed lakes, as this environment usually contains large amounts of cyanobacteria and phytoplankton, which are the main food of these animals.
Because of this type of environment, Kenya has a large number of flamigos, who migrated to the country in search of food. This migration takes place once a year and ended up making Kenya a tourist spot for flamingos lovers.
Start of the ice age/ meterrite falling and hitting the earth/