12 workers killed in tunnel blast in China
An unfunded mandate
An unfunded mandate is a statute or regulation that requires a state or local government to perform certain actions, with no money provided for fulfilling the requirements. Public individuals or organizations can also be required to fulfill public mandates.
Stimulus motives
Stimulus motives are unlearned motives that are not based on internal needs and impulses. These stimuli are sustained by external factors and are usually encouraged by the personality and goals of the individual. In addition, the stimulus motives guide the individual to know more about himself.
Boby has a curious and exploitative personality, which has influenced him to be more active compared to others in his class. All of this can be explained by the existence of stimulus motives.
What is the meaning of red line?
to cross the red line
The Red line, or "to cross the red line", is a phrase used worldwide to mean a figurative point of no return or line in the sand, or "a limit past which safety can no longer be guaranteed."
It would make the curve go in an upwards manner...