Well this is supposed to be a personal thing that only you can answer, teachers usually use it to put people into groups but here are the safest answers.
Communication is necessary- Strongly agree
Courage can come when we least expect it- Stongly agree
What happens in the news doesn't interest me- somewhat disagree
Respect is given after someone earns it- Strongly agree
Most friendships are temporary- Somewhat disagree
Forgiveness is the only way to happiness- Somewhat agree or somewhat disagree
The first was the terrorist attack known as 9/11. The second was the plane that was hijacked and flown into the twin towers.
I will be preparing
You will be preparing
He/she/it will be preparing Plural
We will be preparing
You will be preparing
They will be preparing
Dramatic monologue means self-conversation, speech or talks which includes interlocutor presented dramatically. It means a person, who is speaking to himself or someone else speaks to reveal specific intentions of his actions.
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