Your computer does not support this code because you have put spaces in between the code, or maybe that is how you have written the question.
<h2><u>Fill in the blanks</u></h2>
<u>spreadsheet</u> is a personal application software that includes a wide range of built-in functions for statistical, financial, logical, database, graphics, and date and time calculations.
Evaluation of one’s own worth is termed as self-esteem. Each person will take the defeat and pointed out mistake in different manner. One person may shout if somebody points out mistake and another may handle it with smile. Self-esteem plays the role here.
Self image is an imaginary of picture of how an individual is in their own perspective and how the same person in the view of other person’s perspective. This is one of the important traits of the people.
Self-value: Setting a value of one self, analyzing various situations and facts and stamping the seal as either “good” or “bad” is called self-value.
Depends on what kind of goal.
If I gave a goal of eating 8 hot dogs then a barrier would be a physical will of your body to not eat more. It would be a limit your body can take so it’s different from a mental or other barrier.
If you wanted to cross an area of land but there is a fence in the way then that’s another type of barrier.
Or there are mental barriers. If you wanted to ask someone out to prom, you may be stopped by a mental barrier of self hatred. Feeling like you’re not good enough.
Hopefully this helps!