Obviously, such rocks transmit only small quantities of water and are poor aquifers. By comparison, rocks such as fractured sandstones and cavernous limestone have large connected openings that permit water to move more freely; such rocks transmit larger quantities of water and are good aquifers.
Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems.
Biodiversity includes all ecosystems—managed or unmanaged.
Biodiversity is essentially everywhere, ubiquitous on Earth’s surface and in every drop of its bodies of water.
When a single copy of a disease allele doesn't result in a disease but instead is good for the person or organism that carries it, we say that allele has a heterozygote advantage. In other words this occurs when heterozyhotes have increased fitness over both homozygotes. A good example is sickcle cell trait, which protects against malaria in heterozygotes, but causes a deadly disease in homozygotes.
1) Because we are constantly discovering new species of organisms, the system of classification is growing.
2) In order for scientists to write, learn, and retrieve data about organisms, there most be an organized filing system in place.